Incredible Hyrule Warriors Cia Cosplay

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Syrupcookie Cosplay did such a fantastic job with her Cia costume that people thought pictures of her in the cosplay were pictures of a collectible. She created a spot on replica of the Hyrule Warriors villain’s costume, and the dramatic lighting used in the photo shoot does make her look like a figurine. She debuted the costume at Animecon and spent months making the costume look like the one in the game — matching the original design was important to her. I’d say she succeeded.

She created a Facebook album showing and explaining how each part of the costume came together. This is how she made the headdress (the steps follow the photo below from left to right):

1. I put on a wig cap so I knew how the headdress would sit around my head (it’s actually better to do it with a wig on, but this works as well). First, there was a foam frame made around my head for the right size.

2. Here’s the foam frame which acts as a base to the headdress. I cut out the main form of the headdress in foam and taped it onto the frame.

3. Expanding foam time! Put expanding foam over your foam base. Easiest way to do this, is to place your foam base over a styrofoam wig-head and then just spray the expanding foam all over. When it’s all dry (you can stick a knife in it to check if it’s solid inside as well), you can start carving the shape of the headdress.

4. Once you’ve carved out your shape, start covering up the small gaps with paper mache and then cover it with painters tape. This will make it sturdy.

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See more in-progress pictures in this album on Facebook.

Photos via Syrupcookie Cosplay

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