Molding Hot Glue for LED Wearables #WearableWednesday

Simple ideas can become fabulous solutions, as proven this week by my friends over at blinkblink. They’ve been working on their own LED craft kits and they posted a quick tutorial on molding hot glue. If you are a candle or candy fan, chances are you probably have a silicone mold already in your house. Why is this a big deal? You can embed LEDs quickly and make cool necklaces, pins, shoe decorations and other costume accessories. Like candy making, you start with a small layer of hot glue in the bottom of the mold. After cooling for a few minutes, you can insert the LED, and then add some more glue. The finished object is easy to pull out and ready for circuit making.

One of the biggest reasons I went wild over this tutorial is because I work with youth in STEM programs. Kids will find any excuse to bring out the glue gun and even enjoy just making mounds of glue. They also like creating simple circuits with batteries, copper tape and wire. So, why not join the two activities? You could attach pipe cleaners to the LED bauble and make fun bracelets. You could also use cardboard or card stock to make a base for a pin and then add our magnetic back. Have fun molding and send us some pics of what you make.


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