Ten great gifts for the hacker in your life by @violetblue

Violet Blue posted up a gift guide for hackers over at ZDNet – check it out here! (Features our Onion Pi pack)

Holiday gift guides always struggle when faced with nailing down a list for hackers — that’s because hackers are as diverse in their interests and fascinations as they are diverse in gender, color, size and everything else. Someone with a multi-focused set of curiosity and unique gifts for finding out what makes the crackable crack may seem like a daunting individual to stuff a stocking for … but don’t fret. With a keen eye on the latest interests in hacker culture, we’ve got a gift guide that can make the hacker in your life smile as they enjoy using your gift to hack and explore throughout the coming year.

Anonymity online: The Onion Pi

One of the most popular “snake oil” (fake) privacy gadgets is the so-called “Tor in a box” — a plug-and-play gadget that promises to make you anonymous online. Nearly all of these are made by clueless charlatans whose products put you at risk for privacy and security breaches. But your favorite hacker can just make or build an “Onion Pi” for $69.95, and with this free tutorial.

Check out the rest of the gifts here.

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