Leather LED belt #WearableWednesday

Here’s a nice tutorial for a LED belt project similar to our NeoPixel Punk Collar one from Instructables user evolve1383.

I had 6 lights remaining from a strand of programmable rgb LEDs left from making a white fur scoodie and I’ve been trying to come up with a project to use them. I also had a few leather belts laying around that I rarely use and decided to try this out.

I realized how similar it was to the NeoPixel Punk Collar project so compare to figure out what might work best for you! This is far less soldering and wires!

I put this together in an evening (still in my work clothes!)

You should be comfortable with:

  • Using a drill
  • Soldering
  • Uploading a sketch to a microcontroller

See the full tutorial here.


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