The folks here are Adafruit would like to wish each and every one of you a Happy Thanksgiving! We would also like to thank you for the support – we’re excited to keep growing with you.
For those of you unfamiliar with Thanksgiving, we found this great holiday summary from The Telegraph:
Thanksgiving Day can be traced back to the 1621 celebration at the Plymouth Plantation, where the religious refugees from England known popularly as the Pilgrims invited the local Native Americans to a harvest feast after a particularly successful growing season.
The previous year’s harvests had failed and in the winter of 1620 half of the pilgrims had starved to death.
Luckily for the rest, members of the local Wampanoag tribe taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn, beans and squash (the Three Sisters); catch fish, and collect seafood.
There are only two contemporary accounts of the 1621 Thanksgiving, but it’s clear that Turkey was not on the menu. The three-day feast included goose, lobster, cod and deer.
To celebrate Thanksgiving this year we wanted to focus on all that we’re thankful for, so we asked our team to share! You can see all of their responses below.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for all the miracles that have blessed my family and myself!
I am thankful for Adafruit and that I love my job!
I am thankful for the great people that I work with at Adafruit!!
I am thankful for Prospect Park!
I’m inspired everyday by my little boy who is this big ball of cuteness, and I am happy to be able to watch him grow and be a happy healthy little being of joy. So I am beyond thankful to be able to witness his life and have an amazing support system in my life, including my husband who nurtures and inspires me.
I am thankful for living in New York City, working for a company in line with my values, and getting to spend so much time with such interesting people!
I am thankful to have great friends and be closer to where I want to be in life. It is the little things in life you should appreciate more instead of wishing for what you do not have. =)
I’m thankful for all the wonderful people in my life.
I’m thankful for my family. They keep me mostly sane!
i am thankful for the opportunity to work with so many brilliant, creative, and supportive people. i am constantly amazed by how good they are at what they do.
I am thankful for pie. Pie is yummy.
I am thankful for my beautiful wife, my soft and grey kitty, my discovery of mathematics and astronomy, and my short, short time on this crazy planet!
I am thankful that I was born in one of the wealthiest places on the planet and even more thankful for the good sense to see the plight of others as being related to my own wealth.
I am thankful for finally working for a company that values and respects their customers and their employees. I’m grateful for the creativity, dedication, and knowledge that everyone brings here at Adafruit. I’m also thankful for my loving boyfriend for always looking out for me, pushing me to be the best I can be and keeping a smile on my face when things get rough. Last but not least, my parents for being nothing but supportive of me. 🙂 🙂
I’m thankful to be working alongside an amazing group of people every day and for my family and friends who support and motivate me. Big hugs to my boys who are my constant reminders that life is good.
I am thankful for my amazing family , friends, beyonce, hot sauce, hot wings, coconut oil and black clothing.
I’m grateful for being wiser and happier than I was a year ago, for work I believe in that makes a difference, and for a community of colleagues, friends, and loved ones that inspire me and help me flourish.
I’m thankful to work at a place where, more often than not, I find myself genuinely excited when I come in to work, and the incredible squad of coworkers who I get to solve problems with.
I’m also thankful that it wasn’t mandatory to submit something to be thankful for.
This year I’m thankful for grey cats (especially mine), the Neapolitan novels, Law and Order: SVU re-runs, the right to drink three espressos a day while on vacation, my kick-a$$ team at work, and my beautiful family.
I’m thankful for all the kind, open, creative people that surround me. It makes me feel like anything is possible and makes me excited for the each new day.
I’m thankful for so much this year. Poor experiences from last year have left me with so much enlightenment and a better appreciation for the good in my life that I do have. I’m thankful for health and strength, wisdom and understanding. I’m thankful for forgiveness and the blessing that it brings the forgiver. I’m also thankful for being able to work at Adafruit, one of this years biggest blessings.
Gracias a la Vida. I am thankful for this amazing life, where i get to see touch smell and interact with so much beauty.
I’m really grateful to have such amazing friends and family whom support and inspire me
I am so lucky to know so many fuzzy creatures who always know when snuggles are needed.
I’m grateful that all my needs are met and I don’t have to worry about living day to day. And pandas. I’m grateful for pandas.
im thankful that my day to day life is filled with so many incredible people from the moment i wake up to the moment i fall asleep. im thankful to feel happy everyday because i love the work i do and who i do it for. i appreciate adafruit for always going the extra mile for all of us and being the best company. period!