Make your own grow box with Arduino. via instructables
What should the Grow Box do?
The Grow Box have many tasks.
Automatic watering
It shall ensure that the earth constantly keeps perfect moisture. It can also be adjusted so if I’m planting other plants that need drier or wetter soil.
Humidity and temperature
To ensure that the plants have a good environment, it is important to have the right temperature. Since I use a DHT11 that have both humidity and temperature sensor inside it is also possibility to monitor humidity.
Automatic lighting.
As everyone know, plants need light.(most of them) Therefore, I have used LED light to simulate daylight. I’m not sure that this will work the same in practice as in theory. I know that I could have use red and blue light to boost the plant growth, but didn’t think it looked just as nice. These lights are controlled by a timer that will activate the light at 06:30 to 22:30 on Mon-Fri and 10:00 to 23:00 on Sat-Sun. (Sorry no AM/PM)
RGB led that is mounted in front of the box is an important part to monitor the plants and the box. I will set up a code that light the RGB when something is wrong or everything is OK.
Green light – Empty water tank
Red light – Too hot
Blue light – Too cold
White light – Everything OK
Here is it possible to add more codes and the RGB has many color left for use. It is possible that i’m also going to add a color for air humidity as well.