Make Rey’s Staff from The Force Awakens

Rey's staff

It’s almost time for The Force Awakens to arrive to theaters, and all the trailers and posters certainly make it look like Daisy Ridley’s Rey is one of the main characters. If you’re ready to cosplay as her, Instructables user Kyle Gilbert has a tutorial on making her staff. He made the staff to go with a Rey costume for his wife for Halloween, and he only spent about $30 on the prop weapon. He used supplies you can find at any local hardware store. The shopping list includes innocuous items such as acrylic handles, connectors, a shower head, snaps, and plasti-dip.

Here’s how he made the end pieces:

I started things off by removing the cap from the Danco handles and unscrewing the metal piece from the inside. Then, I unscrewed the small side of the shower heads to remove and discard the ball socket pieces. After that, reinstall the back of the shower head with a little bit of superglue on the threads so it doesn’t accidentally fall off.

After that, I cut small circles out of thin PVC board (thin wood or something similar should be fine too) the size of the hole in the small side of the shower head and glued those on to cover the holes. Then, I glued the shower head to the sink handle as pictured.

Do this twice, and you’ll have the top and bottom pieces ready.

Get the fulll how-to at Instructables.

Rey's staff 1

Rey's staff 2

Rey's staff 3

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