#3DPrinted Captain Phasma Costume


The design of Captain Phasma in Star Wars: The Force Awakens made an impression. Stormtrooper armor we’ve seen before, but not armor that’s shiny and silver. We’ll probably see several cosplayers tackling the look in the upcoming convention season. Replica Props Forum (RPF) user bluedynno is one of them. He used pepakura files from a few different people and 3D printed them. Though he started building a First Order stormtrooper suit, he switched to Phasma once he saw a model for a Phasma helmet available online. After 3D printing most of the components, the trick was giving the armor the shiny chrome finish. He said:

Then I had the thought on how to paint the suit in shiny chrome metal like paint. I asked the shops around my hometown & there is no way I can get chrome finished painting work here. Fortunately I came across this aluminum tape at local hardware store and thought I would be a good try. Here’s how it looks like when these parts are wrapped with the aluminum tape. You still can see the lines as the tape is so thin. Got to wrap it carefully as it tends to get crumpled at the round edges.




Read more and see additional photos at RPF.

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