Via Imma Wake on YouTube.
This video presents exactly what can be done with small arduino boards. In this case, an arduino based, fully functional, programmable watch. Below is just about everything you need if you are interested in building something like this
Digispark Setup Tutorial:…The construction:
This was a very difficult build and requires a lot of work. Before starting lay out all the pieces and think of how you want everything to be put together and start sketching on the wooden piece where things will be positioned and the appropriate holes. Include holes for the battery in the RTC module, the LIPoly Battery wires, and locations where you will be stitching the watch together along the sides. Drill the holes very carefully making sure not to break the wood. The next part in construction was the soldering and cutting of wires. Cut the wires to the appropriate lengths and start soldering according to the schematics (I would start by getting the battery all put togerther and soldered in). Be sure to remember to make a hole for the battery wires and solder everything together while the wires are in the correct position through the wooden circle. I also placed the small switch to the wooden circle as one of the first steps. Place the switch in the appropriate position and then super-glue it onto the wood. You may want to use a small clamp to hold it together while it dries. I would avoid soldering the Neopixel Ring on until the very end. Glue and solder everything in place and then add the Neopixel Ring into the construction. After all the soldering is done, start stitching things together. I would start with the battery first. BE VERY CAREFUL not to poke a hole in the battery while stitching it into the wrist band. I take no responsability for any sort of damage. Next turn on the watch to make sure that the neopixel is positioned correctly. Now just start stitching everything together.
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