Groot Costume Made in 20 Days

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The release of Guardians of the Galaxy in 2014 triggered all sorts of awesome costumes. Groot, the towering tree-like alien, was the most popular. I’ve seen Groot costumes made from all manner of materials at conventions in the past year and a half. The costume presents a challenge, and Instructables user mrvega1 decided to build it just for that reason. His friends didn’t think he’d be able to finish crafting the costume in the short amount of time before Halloween 2014, but mrvega1 completed the costume in 20 days. He used the following materials:

EVA foam, insulation foam, different tones of brown spray paint, plastic dip, tacky glue, paper, dremel machine, a painters suit, 8 pieces of 4×8 wood, and cement glue

The EVA foam formed the various pieces of bark, and the dremel was used to add texture that simulated wood grain. The insulation foam was used to construct the undersuit and roots. Given the amount of time put into the project, the finished result looks good.

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See progress pictures from each day of the build at Instructables.

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