Climbit: A DIY wearable fitness tracker that tracks the amount of feet that you climb #WearableWednesday


Thanks to Zymurgeneticist for writing in to share this project with us! View the full tutorial on Instructables here.

The idea for this bit of wearable tech was born out of a climb-a-thon that I do annually to benefit First Descents, an organization that gets young cancer survivors like myself living a life beyond cancer.

For the climb-a-thon, participants usually set a goal and climb to that goal to help raise donations. Many set that goal as their distance climbed, either setting a goal of say 500 ft or climbing a foot for every $1-5 raised.

I thought for the next climb-a-thon it would be great to have a piece of wearable tech to track the amount I climbed, like a fitness tracker. I would then be able to make another one as an incentive for others on my team to help spur donations.

From that I developed Climbit, an altimeter-enabled fitness tracker that tracks the amount you climb!

Read more.


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