At the end of the year we take a look back to see which posts you liked best with hashtag #AdafruitTopTen. We are proud to present 2015’s Top Ten Arduino posts, starting from 10 and working our way down to the number 1 Arduino post of the year!
10 – Tutorial: Arduino Lesson 3. RGB LEDs @arduino
9 – ASK AN EDUCATOR! – “Whats the difference between Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard, etc?”
8 – Connecting an Arduino to a Raspberry PI using I2C @Raspberry_Pi #piday #raspberrypi
7 – Arduino Leonardo Pinout Reference
6 – Build An Open Astronomy Learning Tool With Arduino
5 – Handy Arduino Uno R3 Pinout Diagram
4 – b00m! Adafruit Eagle library, an Arduino package!
3 – Please post old Arduino packaging that says “Manufactured under license from Arduino” #TeamArduinoCC