Ever wanted to make your very own cloud? Now you can! All it takes is some cheap open source hardware and open source software. For about $200, I was able to set up four Raspberry Pi 2s with the Kubernetes cloud operating system using Fabric8.
Fabric8 is an open source DevOps and integration platform that works out of the box on any Kubernetes or OpenShift environment and provides continuous delivery, management, ChatOps, and a Chaos Monkey. In short, it’s the best framework there is to develop and manage your microservices on. (Full disclosure: I work on the Red Hat Fabric8 project.)
Never before was there a better match between a software architecture and the hardware it runs on. The Pis are completely silent (no fan) and have a quite powerful quad-core CPU, while the microservices architecture makes each process relatively small so it can run on the 1GB RAM memory constraint of each node. You can simply add more Pis if you need more computing power. Lastly, it’s just plain fun to play with the hardware instead of logging into a remote virtual machine at Amazon.
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