Nice clock from Adafruit Forums user HandyGuy
I wanted to learn how Arduinos work and what better way than by building a clock. I’ve seen a bunch of binary clocks out there but have never seen one that displays the time in hexadecimal – so there was my project! A hexadecimal clock (with some binary thrown in, because I could :-).
The parts were pretty basic:
– Arduino Uno R3
– Adafruit Protoshield
– Adafruit 16×32 LED Matrix
– DS3231 Real Time Clock
– Adafruit panel buttons (with built-in LED)
– Plastic project box from Amazon
– Some misc components (resistors, caps, etc)
I had done some basic electronics way back in the stone age so it took some catching up to get to where I was comfortable with the design. Special thanks to Adafruit_support_mike for helping me sort through power supply issues.
Overall I’m happy with it. There are a couple of features I’d like to add. Also, the display is really bright. I think this is just the way these LED panels work. If anyone has an idea on how to adjust the brightness on these panels I’d be grateful.
Schematic & code are available on GitHub:
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