Today is Arduino Day 2016! #ArduinoD16

Today is Arduino Day 2016! We’ll be doing 24 hours of Arduino-related blog posts and more. Make sure to check in all day for Arduino everything!

For more information on Arduino Day, including how to find events in your area, go here.

About Arduino Day

Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino and Genuino. It’s a 24 hours-long event –organized directly by the community, or by the Arduino founders– where people interested in Arduino and Genuino get together, share their experiences, and learn more.

Who can participate?

All user groups, makerspaces, hackerspaces, fablabs, associations, teachers, pros, and newbies are welcome to participate. Let’s make this the biggest birthday party so far!

Branding Guidelines

Following Arduino LLC branding guidelines, US-based events will be called ‘Arduino Day’, while events based outside the US can only be called ‘Genuino Day’. Organisers of approved US events will be able to download the Arduino Day Digital Kit, while organisers outside the US will download the Genuino Day Digital Kit.

What can you do during Arduino Day?

You can attend an event or organize one for your community. It doesn’t matter whether you are an expert or a newbie, an engineer, a designer, a crafter or a maker: Arduino Day is open to anyone who wants to celebrate Arduino and Genuino and all the things that have been done (or can be done!) with them. The events will offer different types of activities, tailored to local audiences all over the world.

Arduino Team events and Community events

In 2015 Arduino organized five events run by Arduino Team, in Torino, Malmo, Bangalore, Boston and Budapest. Community events are organized directly by the community, just supported and curated by the Arduino crew. Community events are called Arduino Day in USA and Genuino Day for the rest of the world.

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1 Comment

  1. This year for Arduino day I wrote this Instructable to make an easy Arduino menu system which is navigated with a rotary encoder. Enjoy!

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