Fullmetal Alchemist Alphonse Elric Costume

alphonse elric costume

Alphonse Elric is one of the many memorable characters in Fullmetal Alchemist, and Redditor epicscout did an equally memorable job of replicating it. Epicscout used EVA foam mats almost exclusively for the build. Though it looks a little clunky, it’s mobile. Epicscout says:

The lower body moves fine, not full use of my knees, but good enough. The upper body is a little rough because it sits about 6-8 inches higher on my body than normal, so my arms and shoulders aren’t in the position they would normally be in the suit. I didn’t have time to figure out a good solution for the shoulders, so they’re just mounted on the chest piece.

Time prevented me a lot of polish work that I would have normally wanted. I’ve used a couple different techniques in the past for seam filling, but am unfortunately bad about planning around that “making it look nice” phase as I’m generally lost somewhere in the “holy crap how am I even going to get this on” phase.

My next project is going to be a full-year build, so I’m hoping to be able to spend time on polish work.

via Reddit, photo by Cameron Stone

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