Nielsen Speaker is a Toy Guitar Motor Controller Spinning Speakers Synthesizer #circuitbending

this project that produces synthesizer sounds with spinning speakers attached to a motor controller operated by a toy guitar:


Motor controllers and their matching motors make neat (often octave-ish) noises. In essence, a motor driver is a synthesizer of sorts.
Motor drivers are basically the same as amplifiers.
Plastic toy guitars are often horrible anti-instruments and need rehabilitation.
I’ve always had a soft spot for the Leslie speaker.

He walks through the build process in the first part, with the spinny sounds bits beginning around 3:45:

Awesome. Simply awesome. BoM and build notes here at cassettepunk.

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  1. Watch out for this project’s bigger, faster, louder, dangerous and possibly drunk bigger brother! It’s in progress and I hope to post it soon…

  2. Great! I didn’t tease the part where you say ‘full-size version’ exactly because I didn’t want to play it up – but glad to hear you’re working on it, as that sounds (pun intended) amazing!

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