Hank Green and Emerson Partner for #ILoveSTEM Initiative #MakerEducation

Incredible read from Mashable that covers Hank Green’s STEM background, how Green’s videos can assist teachers and the need to make STEM more accessible.

Bill Nye is a millennial nostalgia heartthrob, and Neil deGrasse Tyson is a Twitter king — but they’re also where many Americans’ everyday exposure to science ends.

Because we’re facing a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education deficit, the U.S. is in the midst of a major push to boost the accessibility of STEM education and job resources.

A lack of educational resources — something that the Obama administration has fought to address — is partly to blame for the deficiency. But young people who misunderstand the kind of life and future a STEM career could bring them are also part of the problem. A recent survey of 1,000 adults found that 1/3 did not purse a career in STEM because it “seemed too hard.”

Luckily, one technology company is trying to change that by speaking to teens where they live: online.

Emerson, a global manufacturing company that celebrated its 125th anniversary last year, partnered with YouTube star and digital entrepreneur Hank Green on its I Love STEM initiative.

Read more on Mashable and check out emerson.com/ilovestem for more info!

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