7-11 year old girls making NeoPixels Tiaras in Baja, Mexico #WearableWednesday

Thanks to Andrés and his colleagues for sharing photos from their NeoPixel Tiara workshop in Baja, Mexico. Check out their makerspace here. Below is a description of the topics from the workshop:

  1. An electronics basic course was given to the girls, where the concepts of voltage, current and resistance were taught. They build a small circuit to prove this concepts.
  2. Introduction to Programming and explanation of the use of Arduino IDE. Basic concepts of Programming and Mathematics Logic.
    They used the Adafruit NeoPixels example code, were the girls started to change the variables and the functionality was explained.
  3. Introduction to 3D Printing. What is? How it Works? Uses? The girls started modeling the piece (tiara) and use the 3d Printer to fabricate it.
  4. Manage and use of soldering iron, security rules and techniques. As exercise they solder wires developing geometric figures: triangles and squares. The second exercise was to solder the basic circuit that they develop on part 1.
  5. With the knowledge adquire they solder the Tiara to the 3D Printed part, and code an example of the Adafruit NeoPixels library.

Here’s some more photos of the workshop:

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