Captain America Star Wars Costume Combo

captain america star wars shield 1

Props and costume maker iKnufi Design was inspired to create a new Star Wars and Marvel mash-up costume thanks to art done by Jon Bolerjack. The artist has done a whole series of clone troopers mashed up with various comic book characters, including Captain America. iKnufi is building an entire set of Captain America clone trooper armor, complete with the shield.

The all important accessory and protection is the first part of the ensemble that’s done. The shield incorporates the iconic Captain America colors and pattern but also features an Imperial cog — the symbol of the Empire. It started life as a plain metallic circle and it’s quite something to see it transform. The photos below will show you what it used to like before getting to the finished stage you see above.

captain america star wars shield 2

captain america star wars shield 3

iKnufi Design has more photos of the project at Facebook.

via The RPF Facebook

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