Overwatch: Pharah’s Rocket Launcher Build

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Blizzard Entertainment’s anticipated Overwatch was finally released widely on May 24. The game features a hero named Pharah and she wields a powerful rocket launcher (I guess most rocket launchers are powerful). Fizzy Fairy Apothecary teamed up with Coregeek Cosplay & Creations (they constructed it) and Nimbus Cosplay (they painted it) to create a replica of the weapon last fall. With the recent release of the game, they reshared a look at the weapon.

Coregeek said the following about components:

Half of the central tube is a heavy cardboard tube. The rockets are resin casts but I made the master from foam. Everything else is foam in one form or another. I used EVA, XPS and Tooling foam.

The lights are 12v LED rope lights.

You can see the unfinished weapon and some in progress pictures below.

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Nimbus Cosplay said: “If you’re painting an extremely shiny, reflective, chrome prop, I recommend a highly smooth surface, and VHT Plate finish spray paint. Super reflective, doesn’t cost a fortune per can, easily found on Amazon.”

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via Kotaku

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