TomoNews US shared Microsofts Magic Mirror on Youtube!
Microsoft unveiled a smart mirror at a technology conference held in Singapore last month that allows users to view both their reflections and relevant information like the time, weather and traffic directions.
Microsoft’s Magic Mirror is a one-way mirror with a 23.6-inch LCD-lit screen behind it that displays white UI elements on a dark background. The device runs on a Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer and uses Windows Hello technology to conduct facial recognition.
The Magic Mirror’s facial recognition system can recognize eight different emotions, including anger, happiness and surprise. Microsoft’s Cognitive Services Face API matches a person’s face to their profile, and allows the mirror to display information relevant to that person’s mood.
Besides displaying information like the time and the weather, the mirror would also be able to tap into the Internet of Things and provide information like the fastest route to work.
The facial recognition feature could also provide real-time information to advertisers on how people are reacting to an advertisement displayed on the smart mirror, Izzat Khair, a member of Microsoft Singapore’s development team, told CNBC.
The mirror is still in its demo stage and no commercial release date has been announced, but Microsoft has released the application source code and bill of materials for the device on GitHub for those interested in building one for themselves.
See more and check out the files on Github
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