Below is approximately the last 30 days of shipping for the month of May, how fast we shipped an order after you placed it and then how on-time the carrier was (UPS and USPS).
Shipments made on time: 97.15% (21,957 out of 22,601 orders)
Regular UPS orders shipped by next day: 97.36% (18,824 out of 19,334 orders)orders)
Regular USPS orders shipped by next day: 96.91% (3,480 out of 3,591 orders)
Orders Shipped within 3 days: 86.99% (468 out of 538 orders)
General Stats
Orders shipped in the past week: 4,456
Reseller orders shipped in the past week: 123
Orders shipped in the past 30 days: 23,727
Reseller orders shipped in the past 30 days: 620
Over 96% of the time your order goes out on time, usually only rare instances of an item being out of stock or a customer has made a request to delay the order keep us from 100%
Next up, how good is UPS and USPS delivering on time after it leaves Adafruit? Here’s what their numbers look like for May:
UPS Ground orders arrived on time an average of 98.75%
UPS Air orders arrived on time an average of 98.04%
UPS International arrived on time an average of 95.81%
These figures are based on a sample audit of 14,000+ packages (last 30 days).
USPS orders were successfully delivered 97.92% of the time based on a sample audit of 8,000+ packages. First class took an average of 3.3 days, Priority 3.1 days with the maximum for each (severe delays) 24 days. We do not offer USPS for regions that have known issues with delays so the average is likely higher than other companies that offer USPS to all 50 states.