NEW PRODUCT – Mini Analog Joystick – 10K Potentiometers

3102 hand demo 01 ORIG

NEW PRODUCT – Mini Analog Joystick – 10K Potentiometers

Sometimes a simple analog control device can be the perfect tactile solution for your project, but they can be surprisingly hard to come by. Luckily we’ve found a low cost, quality Mini Analog Joystick to fill you directional analog input needs!

Unlike most arcade-style joysticks which come with four clicking switches, this product has two 10KΩ potentiometers and a spring-back system. You can get a full 50 degrees in both X and Y directions. Connect one side of each potentiometer to ground, and the other side to a higher voltage and read the analog voltage off the middle. Great for robotics and other control interfaces. This joystick is durable and has a great feel to it. You could replace the springs if you want a stronger or weaker spring-back force.

3102 iso 02 ORIG

3102 kit ORIG

3102 side 01 ORIG

3102 bottom view ORIG

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