Arduino Blog – Download the new Arduino IDE 1.6.10!.
ARDUINO 1.6.10 – 2016.07.26
* A lot of bugfixes to builder:
* Libraries can now define the property “includes” in the to
tell the IDE which `#include …` lines should be added to the sketch when
the “Include library” command is used. See:
* Examples are now filtered by architecture
* Added more graceful handling of upload failures
* Solved a bug that crashed the IDE with some exotic serial devices[core]
* avr: toolchain updated to latest Atmel release 3.5.3
The updated tools are now binutils-2.26, gcc-4.9.2, avr-libc-2.0.0, gdb-7.8
* avr: avrdude updated to version 6.3
* fixed a small bug that caused a compile error on some 3rd party derivatives boards based on Leonardo
* sam: added snprintf_P to avr/pgmspace.h stub. Thanks @jantje
* avr: Fix TX buffer being overwritten by multiple Wire.write(…) calls in slave mode. Thanks @kellerkindt
* Another small fix to String iterators. Thanks @Ivan-Perez @Chris–A
* Added getTimeout() method to Stream. Thanks @mattb5906
* avr: Fixed USB wakeup event handling, this solves some rare lockups of serial port on some linux distributions
* Speed and size improvement on Print::printFloat(..). Thanks @bblanchon
* avr: Added Serial.availableForWrite() for USB-CDC serial ports
* avr: Added PIN_* defines to all board variants