As Seen on Show and Tell: #TeamValor Light up badge for #PokemonGo #WearableWednesday

Thanks to Orlando for sharing his awesome Pokemon Go Team Valor badge on Show and Tell! Check out the Instructable for the project here.

Since Pokemon GO came out, I’ve wanted to make something to related to the game. I wanted something I could make in an afternoon that I could use right away, so I thought of a blinking Team Valor badge to represent the best team in Pokemon GO. The circuit is simple, I am using a square wave oscillator that is driving an NPN transistor which lights the LEDs. The real challenge comes in the enclosure. I laser cut a cut-out of the Team Valor Emblem and glued it to one side of a piece of non-glare acrylic. When the LEDs turn on, the emblem is displayed in all its glory.

Additionally, I am entering this Instructable into the Beyond the Comfort Zone Contest. For this contest, I have to explain why this project is beyond my comfort zone. I usually do purely circuit design projects i.e. breadboards. Doing a project that was heavy on the crafting and utilizing my artistic side was a bit different than what I am used to. I learned how to design for a laser cutter and how to put together a design than can be semi-fashionable and decorative as opposed to simply being on a breadboard.

Read more.

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