Thanks so much to nemesis_c in the Adafruit forums for sharing this awesome and simple circuit playground project with us! Nice work!
Noticing that there are not very many Circuit Playground tutorials I decided to share a simple one!
But First story time:
My little sister is a BIG Harry Potter Fan.
So, of course she had to go to the midnight release of the newest book: Harry Potter and The Cursed Child.
My mother then volunteered me as tribute to chaperone.
(queu sad violin music)And then there was light:
Mailman came to my rescue to deliver Circuit Playground
Which meant I had to make a project with it
So the reluctant chaperone was now an eager Potter Fan
I decided to dress up as Snape (since we have similar hairstyles)
Slytherin my way to mashing up a simple program to :
Light up the 10 Neopixels green-to match the Slytherin colors
Every time I tapped on Circuit PlaygroundUploaded the code
Stuck a magnet On the Back side of Circuit Playground
Put on a black blanket (which of course in my head was a majestic cape)
Added some glovesAnd showed all the kids how Circuit Playground Worked
I’ll attach the code below hopefully someone finds it useful!
As well as a picture of the minimalist Snape Costume
See the code here!
Featured Adafruit Product!
Circuit Playground – Developer Edition: Would you like to learn electronics, with an all-in-one board that has sensors and LEDs built in? Circuit Playground is here – and it’s the best way to practice programming on real hardware with no soldering or sewing required! Read more.
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