45 GitHub Issues Dos and Don’ts

Jason Chen has a great blog post with simple advice for contributing to open source projects on GitHub.  In particular Jason talks about what to consider when opening issues, sending pull requests, and more to an open source project.  There’s lots of great advice like not adding on unrelated issues to an existing one.  Check out the blog post for all the tips like:

Do open one Issue for one issue.

Do open two Issues for two issues.

Do not tack on “Oh by the way here’s another problem I noticed” to an unrelated Issue.

Do keep facts and opinions separate, ideally facts first and opinions at the end. Facts include platform details, reproduction steps, and what you have tried. Opinions include speculations about root causes you have not investigated.

Do be specific, especially in reproduction steps. Instead of the instruction: “type some text,” be unambiguously specific with the instruction: “Type ‘Test’”. The bug might have to do with the shift key and it will not be reproduced by others repeatedly banging adsfasdfadsfasd. This is not a theoretical occurrence — underspecification remains one of the most common reasons valid issues get closed as not reproducible.

45 GitHub Issues Dos and Don’ts

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