NEW GUIDE: MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules @micropython


MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules is a new guide in the learning system:

Extending your scripts by including code from other files is a great way to simplify and structure programs.  Instead of constantly reinventing the wheel for mundane tasks you can put code for them in a Python module or package once and then reuse that code in other scripts.  This way you can focus on what’s important for your project instead of reimplementing trivial details.  Even better by creating modules and packages you can share your code with others so they can benefit from it too!

With MicroPython you can import code in two ways.  One easy way is from Python files on a board’s filesystem just like you would import Python modules & packages on the desktop.  A second way is with ‘frozen modules’ that are baked-in to a build of MicroPython’s firmware and reduce the memory usage of a module vs. importing its raw Python source.  This guide explores how to import modules & packages as both raw Python source files and frozen modules for maximum efficiency.

MicroPython Basics: Loading Modules

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1 Comment

  1. Richard Collins

    I’m an old school C/C++ guy yet I’m finding Tony’s videos on MicroPython very interesting and have started to try some bits out.

    Thanks for teaching this old dog some new tricks. 😉

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