Featured Adafruit Google+ Community Project
(Note: Google+ login required.)
Jordan Cohen shared his great looking blinking build this week in our Community!
I finished buzz! But have a slight issue..
I took a #solderingsunday class at +FUBAR Labs a few weeks ago and finally just finished up this little guy.
But I have one issue, it doesn’t work on battery power. It works while plugged in USB but not on battery. I think I may have cooked a component, I did 90% of this with lead free solder which needs more heat. Where do you even begin troubleshooting circuits and electrical components? I don’t know how to start. I did change the battery, that much I did know. (read more)
Featured Community Project from the Adafruit Blog
This week on the blog, we featured Juan’s awesome arduino based project!
How to face IoT, the best is trying and making by your self with real hardware, in my case I began with MKR1000 – Arduino, the second challenge is to send to the web the information, in this case I find the platform from Adafruit. (read more)
Check out previous Community Corner posts here!
There are people making amazing things around the world, are you one of them? Join Adafruit Community! And check out scores of projects they shared this week after the jump!
Community Corner! Sharing and celebrating the creative community: Show and tell, Ask an Engineer, mailbag, Twitter, Google+, Facebook, “Makers, hackers, artists & engineers. Sharing, learning and celebrating making!