Spacemacs 101 – Think Emacs + Vim – Explained & Visualized @spacemacs

introducing Spacemacs, which any Emacs or Vim users might appreciate reading, possibly even switching to that software. To each their own and the more tools the merrier!

(You can tell the software is both quirky & fun when their Twitter byline reads, “The Evil Vim flagship and its fleet over the Holy planet Emacs. We come in Peace.”)

A few months ago, I decided to try Spacemacs—a super-curated yet configurable version of Emacs. In this introduction to Spacemacs, I’ll share my experience and go over some of the basic knowledge needed to get off the ground if you want to give it a try.

Before switching, I had never used Emacs—though I had been a moderate Vim user (sometimes using Vim itself, but mostly using Vim emulation or keybindings in other editors).

The learning curve for Spacemacs was not too steep. It defaults to Vim keybindings, which you can disable if you’re not a Vim user. If you’ve used Evil mode with Emacs, you’ll notice that this is what Spacemacs uses.

Read more.

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