Useful project, especially if you have kids, from HomeMadeGarbage up on
Place the microcomputer Arduino Nano and 6-axis motion sensor MPU6050 in the box, the power supply was used a 9V battery.
MPU6050 is used to measure x-axis and y-axis of acceleration for detect the horizontal direction. The LED (Neopixel) is green , when measure is horizontal. When non-horizontal is light red.
Distances are displayed on the LCD display .
Featured Adafruit Products!
RGB backlight positive LCD 16×2 + extras – black on RGB: This is a fancy upgrade to standard 16×2 LCDs, instead of just having blue and white, or red and black, this LCD has black characters on a full color RGB-backlight background! That means you can change the background color to anything you want – red, green, blue, pink, white, purple yellow, teal, salmon, chartreuse, or just leave it off for a neutral background. This LCD is the most daylight readable character LCD we have and is very beautiful and easy to read no matter what color/brighness you have for the backlight. (read more)
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