Manufacturing day 2016: The Impact of Manufacturing Day @whitehouse @mfgday #MFGDay16

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The results above are from a 2015 Deloitte survey that examined how manufacturing day events impacted the participants perception of manufacturing careers! Via MFGDAY

Manufacturing DaySM 2015, including all events scheduled throughout the year, has far exceeded expectations of scale and impact, reaching more than 400,000 participants and improving the public’s perception of manufacturing.

Teachers, students, parents/influencers, and employers shared their perspective on Manufacturing Day (MFG DAY®) using the new Deloitte perception survey developed in collaboration with The Manufacturing Institute. The survey was distributed to more than 2,500 manufacturing hosts across the United States to gather national data from teachers, students and parents on how MFG DAY events truly make a difference in local communities. The survey found after attending Manufacturing Day events, eighty one percent of student respondents are more convinced manufacturing provides careers that are both interesting and rewarding and seventy-one percent are more likely to tell friends, family, parents or colleagues about manufacturing.

“The co-producers of Manufacturing Day could not be more pleased with the results of the 2015 celebration,” said Ed Youdell, president and CEO of the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association (FMA), one of the co-producing organizations. “Our goal, when we created Manufacturing Day just three years ago, was to bring manufacturing into the mainstream. We wanted to showcase this important sector of the American economy and introduce young people to the career options and exciting work environments manufacturing offers.”

Educators’ responses to the survey also illustrated the positive impact Manufacturing Day has on public perception. Ninety percent indicated they are more likely to encourage students to pursue a career in manufacturing and ninety one percent found the activities/tours to be interesting and engaging.

“By capturing the impact of a national Manufacturing Day, we can see how it has made a difference in changing the image of the industry,” Institute Executive Director Jennifer McNelly said. “Every day we aspire to make this industry better than it was yesterday, and the results of the Manufacturing Day survey illustrate how we are improving the image of the industry through Manufacturing Day, and positioning the industry as a rewarding career path for future generations.”

“This survey further demonstrates the changing perception of manufacturing across the country, particularly among young people, and we have events like Manufacturing Day to thank in large part for this positive trend,” said National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons. “We appreciate the continued efforts of thousands of manufacturers from across the country to educate students, parents and their communities about the many career opportunities through our industry.”

Manufacturers responding to the survey also expressed positive feedback regarding their participation in Manufacturing Day. Ninety four percent found there was value in participating in the event and eighty eight percent are more likely to continue engaging with high schools or colleges in their area. An infographic summarizing the results of the 2015 survey can be found here. To see the interactive dashboard that provides the ability to analyze results in more detail, follow this link.

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