Jeremy Viny and Andrew Frueh have put together a sweet little EEG helmet that displays the wearers cognitive state in colors. They are using OpenBCI for the EEG and have 3D printed a slick looking helmet. The helmet is loaded up with LEDs and there is a sweet little phone app to monitor brain activity.
SIMON is an interactive wearable headset designed to read and translate the emotional state of users. SIMON records electrical activity in the brain via an EEG monitor. Data is transcribed in color according to a users’s cognitive state (i.e. relaxed [blue], stressed [red], tired [yellow], focused [green], etc). A collective color based on neurological user averages is displayed by the headset’s imbedded LEDS. Data is collected by the SIMON mobile app and plots the sensibility of those who choose to engage with the system.
SIMON connects people, regardless of socioeconomic status, race, religion, etc. This empathy inducing platform disrupts a traditional social interactivity as it turns a users’s affect inside-out across lights inside the headset and visuals in the phone application. It shows the users a way to see kindred potentials across a sea of people otherwise withdrawn to their own private world. This transformative public art experience is made possible via a new and novel confluence of public art practice, scientific method, interface design and open source technologies. We hope to create an innovative space for users to find common ground in a world full of people increasingly defined by their differences.