Hey folks! At Maker Faire NYC 2016 the two Arduinos announced they’ll be settling their dispute, we (Adafruit) have been helping the USA Arduino (arduino.cc) manufacture and ship the Arduinos in the USA for about the last year. A few of you emailed and tweeted asking what the settlements means to us, Adafruit, and it’s good news! We’re thrilled that this chapter is ending and the next chapter for Arduino, together, begins.
We wanted to get the OK from the Arduino team before we posted this, so here it is!
Adafruit and our team would like to thank Arduino.cc for giving us the opportunity to assist in the USA manufacturing over the last year as the two Arduino resolved their differences and now have announced they have reached a settlement agreement. Starting in 2017, Arduino will be once again making Arduinos under one company name. We are looking forward to continuing to create hardware, code and more for and with Arduino, this is our love and what we do – and as Massimo said “Open-source is love” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGI5Qo53P68) – special thanks to our customers and community who continue to inspire Adafruit and Arduino creating projects and sharing together.
-Ladyada and the Adafruit team
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