Thanks to Abraham for sending in this series! Abraham writes:
I am Chemical Engineer but I was always mad with programming. After discovering open source microcontrollers I realize that code writing together with arts and interactivity is even more fascinating.
After a recent revelation I have decided to start a new project that I have called: “Tessellated circuits made of colored metals on canvas” But why…
Because these fascinate me. It is about covering a flat surface using one or more repeating patterns. From tessellations with regular geometric shapes to the work of M.C. Escher the possibilities are practically endless.…Electronic circuits?:
Arduino is a ecosystem (microcontrollers, boards and software) that was developed by artists to artists. Sensors and actuators (light, sound, …) can be connected and easily controlled by programming the microcontrollers with a PC. The big influence for me here came from the “High-Low Tech” research group at the MIT Media Lab lead by Leah Buechley. Specially the work developed by Jie Qi blending electronic computation with paper as a way of expression.…colored metals?:
I am talking about interference colors like in the soap bubbles or sunglasses. In metals they are made of thin metal oxide layers without using any pigment or paint. And here is where the revelation that kicks this project out is coming from. Thank to this I discover that copper can be heat oxidized to get beautiful colors like red, brown, orange and gold. It is the main metal I employ for the electronic circuits but I also include anodized titanium and niobium that show outstanding colors.
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