“The Greatest Of Mysteries” by Myneandyours in Dubai #ArtTuesday

Beautiful new work from Myneandyours in a Dubai parking garage.

Check out the great write-up from StreetArtNews.

When you find yourself immersed in the spectacular you never forget it. The vast unfathomable clusters of stars surrounding our pale blue dot leading us into the unknown, remind us of this awesome mystery every time we look up. It filters into our atmosphere and fills us with an immeasurable awe, one we cannot comprehend.

Taking this idea and doing it justice is ambitious. The only way that made sense to Myneandyours to install an experience like this was to surround the viewer with it. Painting a car park sounds somewhat unorthodox, but with the right concept it made for the perfect setting. In there lies the opportunity to immerse the viewer, and give them a chance to experience the unknown in the most unlikely of places. Just like a trip out to the desert to stargaze, you have to know the best places to go.

The title inspired by Carl Sagan puts that heart-sinking feeing into words better than I ever could;

“Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us – there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching The Greatest of Mysteries.”

Read more.

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