This Tech Can Sense If This Is the Best Home for You #WearableWednesday #wearabletech #Arduino

Do you ever wonder about the health of your home and how it affects you? This wearable tech project by Agnieszka Filipowicz looks at environment while also collecting biometrics utilizing a tower and wearable vest. While they appear like instrumentation for astronauts, the devices were conceived to help examine dwellings in China, according to Agnieszka.

The device idea stems from an interest in Chinese living spaces and the controversial building boom currently happening in the region. Despite the government’s efforts to urbanize the Chinese society, it seems to be a long and difficult process with many recently built cities and estates standing empty for years.

The tower collects data on the environment’s temperature, humidity, sound and light while the wearable collects body responses of temperature, perspiration, pulse and brain activity. The Arduinos and sensors send a visual display to the LED strips on both devices.

Agnieszka is a student at KADK (Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts) in Copenhagen, and completed the project as part of her Architecture and Extreme Environments courseShe traveled to Lanzhou, as well as its new section to test people in different environments.

This project is interesting because it allows a more personal view of a dwelling to be established, taking into account many variables. Here’s Agnieszka’s sum-up.

The outcome of the tests showed a tendency for the traditional dwellings to be less insulated, resulting in very low room temperatures. However, for the same reason, the humidity was much higher in those spaces. The subjective responses were slightly more positive in more lively spaces, but the tests showed great dependence on multiple other factors, such as the conversation topic and the task at hand. However, the test proved that a possibility lies within a professional research into this subject.

You can read more about this unique project at FabLab Roskilde’s site, as they were a partner. I think this environmental sensing could prove to be an interesting test for home owners, and if similar testing devices become commercially available, it may add to legal issues about what needs to be disclosed about dwellings. Imagine a new real estate match program that pairs biometrics of people with best home choices. It certainly sounds like an interesting future. If you have an interest in sensing environment, you should check out our learning guide on Temperature/Humidity Sensors. Build a wearable that measures your environment!

Adafruit Temp Humidity Sensors

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  1. I might be able to help her with that, as I built the A3 detector (started during Hackaday Prize) that measures more environmental parameters ( )

  2. I might be able to help her with that, as I built the A3 detector (started during Hackaday Prize) that measures more environmental parameters ( )

  3. Hey Radu, it’s funny you added a comment on my post as I actually have been following your work for quite some time. Some day we should collaborate because I have an interest in radiation detection. 🙂

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