Nji Collins Is The First African To Win A Google Code-In Competition

Via Itechpost

Before there was Google’s Code Next, which is an educational facility that focused on teaching African-Americans and Latinos how to code, there was Google Code-in. It started in 2010 and is a global online contest for pre-university between the ages of 13 and 17. The participants complete “bite sized” open source programming tasks. 1,340 students from 62 countries completed 6,418 before the end of the competition. 34 teenagers completed 842 tasks and became the contest champions. To enter the contest, the participants only needed to have access to the Internet, a Google Account, a valid postal address and lastly, a valid email address.

Nji participated in Code-in, using all the knowledge he gathered from his two years of learning how to code. The Cameroonian teen mainly learned from online sources and books. Nji was in his last year at Government Bilingual High School, Bamenda, Cameroon when he joined the Google Code-in. Apparently, it was also the first time anyone from Africa took part in the contest.

Nji ended up finishing 20 of the given tasks, which cover all five categories given by Google. One task can even take a full week to finish.

Learn more about Google code-in below.

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