Biohacking: Using the Glucose Ketone Index

Looking for a way to measure metabolic health? One technique is to look at the ratio of blood glucose to blood ketones. The idea is to reduce carbohydrate intake which will result in lower blood sugar and higher ketone levels. The chart below explains the ideal ratios.

Via Heads Up Health:

The glucose ketone index is simply a way to measure the relationship between your ketone levels and your glucose levels at any moment in time. It is measured by dividing your blood glucose level (mmol/L) by your blood ketone level (mmol/L). The result is a single number we can use an indicator of one’s metabolic state.

The index has its roots in brain cancer treatment, where researchers using metabolic therapy found best results when glucose and ketones maintained a very precise relationship in the patient [1]. Since there are many aspects of daily life (stress, exercise, nutrition etc.) that can upset glucose or ketone levels in the body, thereby throwing off the optimal glucose-ketone ratio, the index was developed to ensure both metrics (glucose and ketones) are maintaining the ideal ratio for optimal treatment outcomes.

[ … Read More … ]

I tend to stay in a solid level of ketosis most of the day and cycle out for just two hours. Using my numbers from the photo above look like:

Convert  Blood Glucose – 85 mg/dL / 18 = 4.72 mmol/L

Divide Glucose by Ketones – 4.72 mmol/L / 1.6 mmol/L = 2.95 GKI


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