This weekend marks Raspberry Pi’s 5th Birthday Celebration! Happy Birthday, Raspberry Pi.
Here’s some info from the Raspberry Pi Birthday Celebration page:
Raspberry Pi and Code Club will be both turning five, and we’d love for you to come and see what Raspberry Pi is all about, try some of our Code Club projects, and learn what we’re doing to support educators teaching computer science.
We’ll have talks and workshops covering multiple subjects and interests, show and tell stands showcasing incredible creations, vendors exhibiting their kits in the Maker Market, and even goody bags and cupcakes throughout the weekend, with content suitable for everyone whatever their age or experience.
We are also holding an Educators’ Celebration for teachers and other educators of young people. Does your digital making brain need an MOT? Educators can sign up for talks, hands-on workshops, and other opportunities to share classroom ideas, pedagogy, and practice. If you’re an interested educator, buy a ticket as normal and we’ll be in touch soon with more details on how you can participate and contribute
Check out this weekend’s schedule of events here!
Don’t miss this classic video from Raspberry Pi’s first birthday with Eben and Liz Upton and our very own ladyada.
Browse through Adafruit’s Raspberry Pi category and don’t forget to checkout the new Pi Zero W!