The smart refrigerator is a refrigerator where a lot more can be done with it than just food cooling. The smart refrigerator can record the products and send messages to a website or mobile phone application through amazon EC2 which gives various options and various features including :
- Lets you check the status of a certain product so you can keep informed about the products that are in your refrigerator and the products you need to order soon also informs about orders it put on your side
- The Device idea is based on a camera ( usb /Raspberry pi camera module ) put inside the fridge and opencv library with raspberry pi so it can detect the number of products WITHOUT requiring input from the user
- also it will have an accompanying Android application to check automatic buying of any product (after buyer’s approval once through the website we built on Ec2 instance ) before they run out through amazon Dash Replenishment Service (DRS)
- it can also send picture of the products available live from the fridge to the mobile application and ask the user if he needs to buy anything else not inside the fridge or replenish a specific product manually or change the slot threshold at which it should replenish certain product
Commercially Talking
The smart fridge concept is already available but require the user input to manually specify the products but the challenge here is not just sending a photo to the user but to automatically detect products and automatically buy (after user specify at how many left in the fridge ) through DRS
and with a relatively cheap device like this your can turn your ordinary fridge into a smart Fridge that worth 5,800 $ (the last time i have checked it)
I also believe that with machine learning and image processing we can see this device in near future where we don’t need to go shopping for same thing from time to time and no more shopping lists on the fridges
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