Unsplash. But in case you aren’t, and are in need of images for your project, and don’t have the resources or facilities to set up the shot you want or need, you might find what you’re looking for in their archives – or Collections rather. You can quickly search, or browse their topic-centric collections for related images. All images are covered by Creative Commons Zero.
Here’s the Unsplash License description:
All photos published on Unsplash are licensed under Creative Commons Zero which means you can copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or Unsplash.
More details about their license and use rights can be found on their FAQ.
You won’t always find metadata, exif data, or geo-data embedded in the images, but they are high-quality and that metadata is not really the point of Unsplash; the assumption is you’ll be using these images in modified ways. The resolutions vary but I have found some in the 21.0 MP range, so kudos to all photographers willing to go the lengths to share their images and promote high-quality photography for all.
Here are a few of my fav shots that show the quality of what they have on offer.
Check it out!
(I can imagine this above shot as the background for some ‘flash’-like interactive website, with custom labels on the drawers!)
View the Unsplash Collections.