Great new project + write-up from Matthew Wagner up on his blog Hackmypi. Via RaspberryPiPod.
A family member asked me to put a camera in our garage recently, and immediately I decided to use a Pi Zero. Back when I was interviewing for my current job, I was dabbling with the idea of making a wireless, battery powered IP camera that I was going to attach to my dog, and get some cool footage of my dog running around. I never fully finished that project because, at the time, giving the Pi Zero wifi involved either soldering on a wifi chip to the bottom of the Pi, or using the MicroUSB port. Also, at the time, battery powering a Pi Zero project was a bit outside my skillset.
Recently, with the help of Red Bear Labs, I was able to make a few of these IP cameras. I started the build back before the Pi Zero W came out, so this hardware guide is how to build one of these cameras on the Pi Zero 1.3. This project will be part 1 of a multi-part project, incorporating a few Pi zero’s, a Pi 3, some software and some hardware. Ending, hopefully, with a fully functional security system that notifies the owner when there is movement.
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