How to Make a Batman Cowl from Polyurethane

Who doesn’t want and need a Batman cowl? Instructables user Herocraftcreations decided to craft a costume based on the Arkham games version of Batman. He was nervous about making the cowl because it’s such a crucial part of making a Batman cosplay great, but he stepped up and decided to craft one from polyurethane. Instead of starting with a clay sculpt, he modeled the cowl digitally and 3D printed it — the project marks his first time trying 3D printing. He hit some hurdles, but he persisted. This is how he primed the cowl for molding after 20 plus hours of sanding:

After I managed to get the majority of blemishes off of the mask I moved into priming it for molding. One trick I’ve always loved when working on props is to use a heavy flexible rubberized paint call Leak Seal. Leak seal was designed to water proof things but I found it to be a fantastic tool for adding durability to a prop as well as adding a really unique texture to what ever I am working on. it was also helpful in cleaning up the print lines that the 3d printer left behind.

You can see some of the process below.

Learn about the complete build at Instructables.

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