From the mail bag…

Mailbag animated

From the mail bag!

Hi Ladyada and the Adafruit staff,

This past weekend I set the new Guinness World Record for the most consecutive bounces on a pogo stick. I did this to help raise money for my local children’s hospital. The record was 70,271 bounces, it is now 75,005 bounces.

I would like to thank you; Ladyada and everyone on your staff from those contributing to the Adafruit Learning System that helped me understand how to leverage your great products, to the staff that got the packages to me. With your help, and some software help from my dad we built a ‘bounce counter’ with all the products purchased from Adafruit. It was a great success.

We used an Arduino Leonardo and a Raspberry Pi B2. Six Piezo sensors were monitored by the Arduino which did the counting. The Arduino leveraged your LED 7Segment Backpacks to keep a count that the Arduino displayed so I could see the bounces count. The Arduino showed me pace information with three bright colored LED for too slow, too fast, or normal bounce pace. LED were also used to show which sensor detected the bounce.

The Raspberry Pi received bounce statistics and kept a log. The Pi also
captured the video using a Pi Camera and logged it as well. The Pi updated a large display for spectators with the bounce count, remaining bounces, and a time estimate to completion. The Pi also updated my website with the bounce data so people could check the count status online. I don’t claim to know much more about electronic design or software development after all of this. Your gift to me was that I did not have to in order to build what I needed. You made it that easy.


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