This Overwatch Mei Costume Is Prepared for the Cold

Overwatch‘s Mei is armed with devices that alter weather, including a fancy Endothermic Blaster. Since many of her abilities involving freezing, Mei’s dressed for warmth. It makes the costume less than ideal for conventions, but that doesn’t stop cosplayers from working around the many layers and figuring out a way to wear the outfit without overheating. Redditor horsegal301 made her version of Mei’s costume by hand — she did everything but the leggings.

She explains:

Belt pouches are all functional, water canteen is functional and has water in it, which is super handy for conventions. The Tunic was patterned off of an oversized hoodie. I used a technique similar to Hench Wench for the gloves, and templated out the belt pieces. The canteen was made from a child’s plastic canteen, which was modified with EVA foam. Hairpiece, which is pretty hard to see here, was made with worbla, some wood pieces and jewelry from a local craft store, and a 3D printed snowflake tip, which was finished with filler primer and lots of sanding.

via Reddit

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