I love simple straightforward Twitter accounts that are what they say they are. @gaugeoftheday recently began tweeting images of gauges, daily, and it couldn’t be more sincere. Tweets include original finds and retweets. Gauges, dial systems, measuring devices, they’re really interesting objects – they have elements of graphic design and typography on their face, they’re well-crafted industrial objects, and their function is typically very specific and even critical for the function of the thing they’re gauging. Here’s to more gauges (and Twitter followers)! Speaking of here are a few gauges I have seen over the years.
Here is a Venture tachometer/rev counter complete with fittings (and bonus boxed shot!) #gaugeoftheday pic.twitter.com/vGyE7BNQeF
— Gaugeoftheday (@gaugeoftheday) May 5, 2017
Any clues to what this was used for? @gaugeoftheday #gaugeoftheday scale is original as far as I can tell. pic.twitter.com/L5ZCpXfGKg
— Extreme Electronics (@ExtElec) May 7, 2017
Morning. Today's #gaugeoftheday submitted by the mighty @ChickenGrylls .. Thanks! pic.twitter.com/Ic4urXNTWi
— Gaugeoftheday (@gaugeoftheday) May 8, 2017