NEW GUIDE: John Park’s Mystery Box: The Haunted Radio @adafruit @johnedgarpark

If you’ve been waiting for an excuse to build a Haunted Radio from a vintage tube radio, this is it! Take a look at the new guide, Mystery Box: The Haunted Radio, and build your own, today!!

Vintage radios are irresistible. When you hear one spewing static, your natural response is to turn the dial and try to tune in a station. The anticipation! What will you hear? With this Haunted Radio project, you can decide for your guests or escape room attendees exactly what they’ll hear, and you can even choose the frequency.

There isn’t a pirate radio station involved here, either. Instead, the secret is a Feather microcontroller reading the dial position with a magnet sensor, and an attached Music Maker FeatherWing with amplifier to play back your pre-recorded message over the radio’s speaker.

You’ll use a Feather ESP8266 HUZZAH microcontroller, Music Maker FeatherWing, and a Hall effect sensor to detect a special position on the tuning dial, and then play a special sound effect or other recording when your guest has dialed in the magic number.

You’ll even reuse the existing speaker and on/off switch from your old radio!

Play a special song when the dial’s magnet trips the Hall effect sensor.

Plus, the Feather ESP8266 HUZZAH has WiFi built in, so you can code all kinds of extra tricks to interact with the Internet of (Spooky) Things.

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