How to Build a Simple Gesture Control Glove #WearableWednesday #wearabletech #tech #DIY

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This looks like an ordinary disposable glove, but thanks to some DIY magic it has become a gesture glove. It’s inspired by the gesture controlled interface in Ironman, which was created by John Underkoffler. A post on Hackaday explains this proof of concept by maker B. Aswinth Raj.

The project uses an Arduino on the glove and Processing on the PC. The PC has a webcam which tracks the hand motion and the glove has two Hall effect sensors to simulate mouse clicks. Bluetooth links the glove and the PC.

An interesting aspect of this project is having to isolate a color for the Processing to track, which in this case is the blue disk mounted on the palm of the glove. When everything is calibrated the wearer can click on screens and even do some simplistic drawing.

I have to admit that I had not heard of Hall Effect Sensors until finding this project. Apparently they react to a magnet, which in this case was mounted on the thumb of the glove. It just so happens we carry Hall Effect Sensors in our shop, so you can create your own gesture control accessory. What movement would you like to use to create magic on the screen?

Adafruit Hall Effect Sensor

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